The MSBA is providing more content and more member communications than ever.

Over the past three months, the MSBA has delivered two dozen complimentary webinars on a variety of topics to keep members informed. These webinars have been viewed by nearly 20,000 attorneys, and the number continues to grow as these webinars cover highly relevant topics and can be accessed on the MSBA youtube channel.

In addition, the MSBA has worked tirelessly with the Maryland Judiciary, the Federal Courts, the Governor’s office, and other entities to provide timely information on court closures, reopening, and other orders affecting attorneys and their clients. Despite the rapid pace of change, the MSBA has quickly circulated updated information to its Members in a variety of formats, including through its website, electronic newsletters, and email discussion lists.

We’ve also created and curated resources and tools on our COVID-19 website, including the most recent release of our reopening guide to assist small and large organizations resume operations in the new normal.

Maryland Bar Journal Print Edition Being Developed Now

Even though our recent focus is on the delivery of needed content and information through digital means, the Maryland Bar Journal will continue to be produced both physically and digitally. On the heels of the most recent issue, which was delivered digitally only due to Covid related considerations, we are already underway in securing authors and content for the next edition.

New Learning Library to Launch in Upcoming Bar Year

In addition, we’ve learned from members and non-members alike that tools and resources, including samples, checklists, articles and more are needed. As such, the MSBA is working on building a new digital Learning Library that would include this type of content. We anticipate the launch of this platform in the upcoming Bar year.

With the focus on producing a high quality Bar Journal, increasing digital communications to provide timely information and content, and the development of a new resource, the MSBA is ceasing the newspaper based Maryland Bar Bulletin. Many features of the Bar Bulletin will continue to be delivered via eWeekly newsletters, including a monthly Et Alia blog, LAP Tip sheet, Ethics Hotline information, and more.

We’re producing more than ever and remain the second lowest cost state Bar in the country. We hope the value is clear and thank the thousands who have already renewed.

As always, if you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us at