On the heels of a legislative victory on taxation of legal services, the MSBA has now shifted its focus to providing its members information and resources on how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the practice of law. As part of its efforts, the MSBA created a dedicated webpage, www.msba.org/covid-19, to house resources, including a collection of all judicial orders affecting Maryland Courts, resource guides, links to free webinars, and articles about to manage your business remotely during this critical time.  The webpage is being updated daily with new information, so we recommend bookmarking it.

The MSBA commends the Maryland Judiciary for acting quickly with respect to the COVID-19 crisis, and for being fluid and flexible in its approach to a fast changing environment. The MSBA has been working closely with the Maryland Judiciary to provide feedback, recommendations, and answer questions it has collected from practitioners regarding recent orders.  On Monday evening, following the issuance of an updated order from Chief Judge Mary Ellen Barbera, the MSBA President Dana Williams and MSBA Executive Director, Victor Velazquez, held a call with the judiciary, including Chief Judge John Morrissey, Hon. Laura Ripken, and several other leaders of the judiciary, to discuss pressing questions and other issues related to the impact of COVID-19 on the operation of Maryland Courts.

The COVID-19 pandemic is creating new and unique issues that together we can resolve for the safety of all.  The goal in every conversation is progress not perfection.

If you have questions about the COVID-19 pandemic’s affect on the practice of law, that are not being addressed.  Please let us know by sending an email to feedback@msba.org.

Stay well.