Over the past four (4) years, the Maryland State Bar Association has been on a journey, in accordance with its Strategic Priorities & Objectives, to ensure that the MSBA is a more modern organization that advocates for the legal profession, provides in-person and virtual CLE, and connects attorneys from across the state and beyond, among other things.  The Board of Governors, comprised of leaders of the profession, helps lead this journey, provides insight and strategic planning, and acts as ambassadors for the organization and the profession.  Each year, the MSBA seeks a new class of leaders to join its Board.  We invite you to make your mark on the legal profession, by submitting your petition for nomination for an upcoming vacancy on the Board of Governors and join other leaders of the profession to help implement MSBA’s strategic plan.  Please see below for more details on the process.

Class I – District Governor Vacancies

Under the current MSBA Bylaws, the Board of Governors is comprised of 32 District Governors that serve two-year terms.   The District Governors are divided into two classes (Class I and Class II).  In odd years, the term of Class I District Governors will expire at the Legal Summit & Annual Meeting, creating vacancies for which the MSBA seeks nominations.  The Class I vacancies are outlined below, and the newly elected District Governors’ term will begin at the June 2021 Legal Summit & Annual Meeting and conclude at the June 2023 Legal Summit & Annual Meeting.   

1st District, Baltimore City (4 vacancies)

2nd District, Dorchester/Somerset/Wicomico/Worcester (1 vacancy)

3rd District, Caroline/Kent/Queen Anne’s/Talbot (1 vacancy)

5th District, Prince George’s County (1 vacancy)

6th District, Montgomery County(3 vacancies)

7th District, Anne Arundel County(2 vacancies)

8th District, Baltimore County (3 vacancies)

10th District, Howard County(1 vacancy)

12th District, Allegany/Garrett/Washington (1 vacancy)   

Eligibility & Nomination Process

Any MSBA member whose primary address falls within the District, and whose nomination is supported by at least ten (10) MSBA members from that District or the governing body of a local bar association within the District, may submit a petition for a vacancy.  Petitions must be submitted through the electronic portal at https://www.msba.org/bog-nominations/ by 5:00pm on February 12, 2021. 

To the extent the MSBA receives more petitions than available vacancies in any given District, an election will be held for that District.  Nominees will be notified by email if an election is needed.  Nominees will also receive any and all instructions for the election by email, and are solely responsible for completing any action items and meeting any deadlines outlined in the instructions.

If you have any questions about the nomination process, please contact Theresa Michael at  Theresa@msba.org.