MSBA joins its partner, the Access to Justice Commission, other civil legal aid providers and funders, and Governor Moore to support increased funding for civil legal aid programs through HB 693/SB 481 (Renters’ Rights and Stabilization Act of 2024). MSBA remains a strong advocate of continued funding to allow Maryland’s high-quality legal services reach the state’s low-income and vulnerable populations.

On February 20, 2024, Governor Moore testified in front of the House Environment and Transportation Committee in support of the bill and shared: “The housing crisis remains one of the greatest threats to Maryland’s success— and that’s why our administration has assembled the most comprehensive housing package that any Maryland administration has introduced in years. This housing package will help us make Maryland more affordable, and empower us to unleash the potential of our state.”

HB 693 aims to centralize resources for Maryland renters by:

  1. Establishing an Office of Tenant Rights in the Department of Housing and Community Development to provide renters with information about their rights and to create a tenant’s bill of rights;
  2. Increasing the eviction filing fee and preventing it from being passed on to renters, to address Maryland’s place as one of the highest eviction filing rates in the nation;
  3. Reducing the allowable security deposit from two months’ rent to one month;
  4. Creating a statewide right of first refusal, allowing renters to purchase their home if being sold; and
  5. Modifying the state’s rental voucher program to prioritize vouchers for families with children under the age of five and for pregnant women.

MSBA Supports Increased Civil Legal Aid Funding

As the gap between legal needs and available services continues to grow, increased civil legal aid funding would immediately address both the current and future need for services in cases that affect the basic human needs of Marylanders, including shelter, safety, and health. HB 693/SB 481 would provide meaningful funding for low-income persons facing evictions, and also support greater technological innovation, training, and a broader range of services from aid providers. MSBA support investments in civil legal aid now to provide overall cost-savings to the state through reduced fees for emergency health care, counseling, and shelter costs.

MSBA Supports Increased Protections for Renters

MSBA also supports the establishment of an Office of Tenant Rights in the Department of Housing and Community Development, tasked with educating and informing renters about their rights under the law and referring relevant landlord-tenant cases to the appropriate law enforcement agency or other agency. The Office will provide tenants with greater awareness of legal remedies and earlier access to resources to prevent evictions, including a Maryland Tenants’ Bill of Rights, a publicly accessible website with relevant housing resources, and an understanding of how to report housing violations. (Note: MSBA takes no position on a tenant’s right of first refusal, given diverse views within our membership.) 

Bill Posture and Further Advocacy

HB 693 will now face a Committee vote. On February 29, the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee/Education, Energy, and Environment Committee will hold a joint hearing on SB 481, the cross-filed bill, and then hold a Committee vote. MSBA encourages members to support the bills through testimony and legislator contacts.