We all know working from home these last couple of months has been stressful but necessary. Some people are thriving while others may be eagerly hoping for the day we can return to a normal routine. I am certain the majority of us are working from home.

We can all benefit from a little levity, so it’s time to break out your best photography and videography skills and those creative juices flowing! The Young Lawyers Section of the MSBA is asking all members of the Maryland legal community to post on social media on how you are navigating the COVID-19 pandemic. We are referring to our social media campaign as, “MSBA Member Moments.”

Feel free to post videos, photos, or a combination thereof depicting how you are handling the pandemic on your social media pages. Please tag the YLS and MSBA and include #msbamembermoments as part of the caption in your post. Feel free to use props, costumes, animals, children, etc. We will share these moments with the legal community, and then we’ll capture the social media posts and compile them into a huge video that we will share publicly.

Don’t have social media? That’s ok, please email your videos and photos to feedback@msba.org and we will make sure to share your moments.

Facebook: Maryland State Bar Association – MSBA
MSBA – Young Lawyers Section
Linkedin: Maryland State Bar Association – MSBA 
Instagram: @marylandbaryls @md_state_bar
Twitter: @MarylandBaryls @MDStateBar

The usual disclaimers apply. Please do not post any pictures/video depicting nudity, sexual acts, offensive language, violence, or any inappropriate or offensive content. Any posts that do not adhere to these parameters may be removed off MSBA YLS pages if deemed inappropriate.