As you may know, former MSBA President-Elect, Erek Barron, was sworn-in as the 49th United States Attorney for the District of Maryland on October 7, 2021.  The MSBA is proud to have had Mr. Barron serve as Secretary and then President-Elect; however, given his new responsibilities, Mr. Barron had to resign from his continued service as an officer of the MSBA.

As a result of Mr. Barron’s new role and resignation, the MSBA has a vacancy for the President-Elect role for the remainder of the 2021-22 Bar year.  At the conclusion of the 2022 Legal Summit, the President-Elect shall become the MSBA’s next President for the 2022-23 Bar year.

At this time, the MSBA is asking interested members to send a letter stating their interest and qualifications for the role of President-Elect.  Please address these letters to the MSBA Executive Director, Victor Velazquez.  Letter should be emailed to with a copy to the MSBA’s Deputy Executive Director, Anna Sholl ( and MSBA’s Executive Assistant & Governance Administrator, Theresa Michael (

If you have any questions about the role of President-Elect, please feel free to contact Victor Velazquez or Anna Sholl.

Letters of interest must be received by Monday, November 29, 2021 at 12 noon to be considered.