MSBA celebrates its new president, Jason DeLoach, who was sworn in at the 2023 annual business meeting in Ocean City on June 9, 2023. 

DeLoach is a litigation attorney and vice president at Alexander & Cleaver in Oxon Hill, where he has practiced since becoming an attorney in 1997. He is also an Orphans’ Court associate judge in Prince George’s County.

A longtime member of the MSBA, DeLoach has served the association in many roles, including as chairman of the budget and finance committee, treasurer, and president-elect. He was inducted as a fellow of the Maryland Bar Foundation in 2019. 

After DeLoach was sworn in by Maryland Supreme Court Chief Justice Matthew Fader, he shared his goals with the MSBA membership:

  • Show that professional civility is effective in order to preserve the public’s respect for the legal system.
  • Attract new and young members by giving them opportunities to be visible, to grow, and to become leaders within the MSBA. 
  • Retain longer-term members by continuing to provide what they have rightfully come to expect and want from the MSBA.
  • Build on his predecessors’ great work done on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), adding to that the letter A for accessibility for the disabled.
  • Continue the MSBA’s strong partnerships with the Maryland Bar Foundation, the Maryland Access to Justice Commission, the MSBA Leadership Academy, and the Pro Bono Resource Center, all of whose goals are aligned with those of the MSBA.

DeLoach encouraged MSBA members to reach out to him: “I respect your opinion and I want to hear from you. I don’t care how contentious it gets, as long as we’re civil, as long as we respect one another, at the end of the day we’ll be a better organization.”

DeLoach’s term runs through June 2024.