The Maryland State Bar Association (MSBA) is actively advocating for legislation and state and local funding to address immediate and long-term judicial and attorney security needs in Maryland courthouses. Jason DeLoach, MSBA President, recently testified in support of Senate Bill 575 and House Bill 664 (The Honorable Andrew F. Wilkinson Judicial Security Act) which increases the safety and security of judges, attorneys, and other court personnel throughout Maryland. “Judicial security is a global issue that impacts the legal profession and the public,” said DeLoach. “Everyone who walks through courthouses daily – judges, magistrates, law clerks, attorneys, court personnel, and litigants – must be able to present cases and issue decisions without alarm or trepidation.” HB664/SB575 passed with full support from both legislative chambers.

Issues paramount to the association include protecting personally identifiable information for federal and state judges and their families, except with prior consent or information that is a matter of public concern; offering appropriate relief, damages, and criminal penalties for violations; shielding judicial addresses through an Address Confidentiality Program; and establishing a Task Force to review and identify immediate and long-term security needs.

MSBA secured inclusion of a representative in the proposed Task Force to study the safety of judicial facilities, including:

  • identifying minimum requirements for courthouse safety – including minimum number and qualifications of security officers, entry/exit standards, and secure parking for judicial officers;
  • developing a legislative proposal to ensure the proposed safety requirements can be met; identifying existing physical security deficiencies; and
  • creating a plan to address the suggested needs.

MSBA’s participation in the Task Force will allow the organization to voice firsthand experiences and security concerns of its members in courthouses across the state.

The issue of enhanced judicial and attorney security is paramount to MSBA – it is essential to protect the profession and allow members to work without fear. Many MSBA members regularly travel in and out of courts and face threats and acts of violence on an escalating scale, most tragically with the murder last year of longtime member Judge Andrew Wilkinson, Circuit Court Judge for Washington County, by a disgruntled litigant.

MSBA will continue to lead the profession on this issue and serve as a communication bridge between the legal community, and the Legislature and Judiciary. For more information about the Maryland State Bar Association and Advocacy, visit


The mission of the Maryland State Bar Association (MSBA) is to effectively represent Maryland’s lawyers, to provide member services, and to promote professionalism, diversity in the legal profession, access to justice, service to the public, and respect for the rule of law. The MSBA connects and empowers the legal community through ongoing support and advocacy. We help members at every stage of their careers and proudly serve the entire legal profession across Maryland and beyond.