The MSBA has been recognized by the national American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) by being selected for The Power of A Award for MSBA’s efforts representing our members, firms, and the entire Maryland legal profession in defeating the proposed legislation earlier this year seeking to tax legal services.  The Awards ceremony will be held virtually on September 30, 2020.

With over 10,000 associations in the United States, 60 were chosen as models for excellence in representing their constituencies and fighting for their interests.

Upon learning of the introduction of House Bill 1628 – Sales & Use Tax – Services, which would have imposed the state sales tax upon legal services provided by Maryland attorneys, the MSBA launched a comprehensive campaign which included a significant social media campaign, meeting with the bill’s sponsors and members of the House Ways & Means Committee, testifying against the bill at public hearings, partnering with other organizations including the Maryland Chamber of Commerce, the Maryland Association of Certified Public Accountants, local and specialty Bars including the Maryland Association for Justice (MAJ), and Maryland Defense Counsel (MDC), and marshalling the support of thousands of attorneys and numerous firms including the largest within the Maryland legal landscape.

“I’m proud of the MSBA and how it fought against this legislation.  It’s an honor to have served as its President when this was taking place only to be followed up by the response to COVID-19.  Thanks to all who made this victory possible,” said Immediate Past President Dana Williams.

“This was not a typical effort for MSBA because we understood the importance of protecting our members and ensuring Maryland firms were not at a competitive disadvantage versus law firms in other states not subject to taxation” said MSBA Executive Director Victor Velazquez.

The MSBA continues its legislative and advocacy efforts in Annapolis, with the federal delegation, and with the federal and state judiciary.

Thanks for the kind words of many members during this fight and for what MSBA continues to do.