In recent months, the MSBA began transitioning some Sections from the 20+ year old “listserv” platform to a more modern platform, MSBA Connect, that allows attachments, the ability to customize which topics and authors you wish to hear more of (or not at all) and much more.  MSBA will launch this new platform (available at to more sections, councils and committees, later this year, and we will communicate this change and provide tips and FAQs as you explore this new platform.

Here are the five key and simple points we want to be sure you’re aware of, for those sections that have already been transitioned to the platform.  

If you have questions or comments, please don’t post to the entire list but rather email so that we can streamline these. We will respond individually. If you have any difficulty changing your settings, please contact us and we’ll take care of this.

  1. There is no difference in functionality if you don’t want there to be.   If you want this new platform to behave like the list did previously, do nothing further (with one change: you no longer receive your own posts in Connect).  If you want fewer emails, or want to customize the frequency or which topics you see and which you don’t, you can custom configure and instructions are here:
  2. Why are you receiving emails all of a sudden?  Based on the default settings for your section, you may receive more emails than you have in the past.  You can change that if you like by logging into Connect, clicking on the down arrow next to your name, and selecting “Connect Preferences”:

To reduce emails to a daily/weekly/monthly recap takes five quick steps once logged in:  

  • Log onto
  • Click on your “Connect Preferences” below your name in the upper-right corner of the Connect page. 
  • Select “Emails” on the left, then “Activity Summary.”
  • Check the box for “When I don’t visit here, send me an email summary of popular topics and replies.”
  • In the drop down menu – select your preferred frequency. Note that if you interact frequently through the online Connect portal, you may not receive summaries.
  • You can also view and customize other email settings here.

To turn off all emails and notifications takes 2 quick steps once logged in:

  • Log onto
  • Click on your “Connect Preferences” below your name in the upper-right corner of the connect page and select “Categories” under Notifications on the left. 
  • Scroll down to “Muted” and click on the term “Search” below and select “Solo & Small Firm Section.”
  1. Why did the MSBA make a change? In addition to the current system being decades old and no longer supported/unstable, members have long asked for the ability to attach documents, be able to control the types of messages and frequency of messages and much more.  The new system does all of that.  There’s a learning curve as with anything new.  This can be used as a simple ‘get an email when someone posts something’ to a much more robust custom tool.  Start slow…learn it over time.
  2. You don’t need to do anything to be ‘added’ – you’re automatically in the new system.  Sending test postings will only have everyone on the list seeing your test and increasing the number of non-substantive emails.  Access is based on your member profile AND the email you have on file.  Nothing further to do.  
  3. You’re in control of what you receive more so than ever but there’s a learning curve other Sections have already gotten past. Everything you need to know in order to change the frequency or so many other things previously not available can be done at this link.  As with anything new, there’s a learning curve.  We anticipated some questions and they can be found here:

Any suggestions or questions, please email  We have spoken to many members walking them through this and have seen numerous make changes on their own.  We’re here for you.