The December 2019 2-day “Swearing-In” ceremony at the Court of Appeals, featured over 500 law school graduates who passed the July 2019 Bar Exam and became new attorneys in Maryland. MSBA volunteer leaders and staff were there to welcome them to the profession and as the newest members of the MSBA!

We captured a few of the new admittees on camera, including identical twins, Adam and Joseph Chandlee, who have done mostly everything together in life, including becoming attorneys, as well as Ellis Zapas, the last person sworn into the bar in the 2010s decade.

Ellis Zapas

Adam and Joseph Chandlee

MSBA Past-Presidents also welcomed family members to the legal profession. Meredith Storm, daughter of MSBA Past-President Hon. Harry Storm, and Elizabeth Howard, daughter of MSBA Past-President Katherine Kelly Howard, are now both Maryland attorneys.

Hon. Harry Storm, Meredith Storm, Kendall Storm

On behalf of the MSBA, we would like to congratulate all of the new attorneys. You are… the MSBA!