MSBA Sections Administrator Angela Munro (right) presented a new iPad Pro to member Jeri Delambo on June 29, 2018. A Baltimore solo practitioner, Delambo was randomly selected in a drawing among fellow attendees of the 2018 MSBA Legal Summit & Annual Meeting.

Delambo lauds the educational programming on offer at the Summit, particularly this year’s sessions “Practice Management Software vs. None”, “2018: A Bankruptcy / Tax Odyssey and the New Law – How It Applies to Us (Lawyers)”, and “Figures Don’t Lie, But Liars Figure: Maryland’s New False Claims Act”.

“The programs were excellent,” she says. “Everything was interesting – there’s just so much to learn. And it’s really nice to run into people I haven’t seen for a long time. I plan to go again next year.”

More generally speaking, Delambo appreciates the support MSBA membership affords her.

“I need all the help I can get,” laughs Delambo, who belongs to several Sections. “I need the listserves; I can get questions answered. I need the [CLE] programs.”