How often can you promote the development of young people, support the future of the legal profession, get a tax deduction, find the next national champion and positively reach thousands of attorneys, judges, students, families, and schools around the State at the same time?

MYLaw (Maryland Youth and the Law) is again hosting the statewide MYMock Trial Competition for high school students and needs to raise $50,000 to bring this important program to the youth of Maryland.

You can help us by:

  1. Sponsoring a role in the case itself, getting your or your business’ name in the case
  2. Purchasing an advertisement in the statewide circulated casebook
  3. Donating directly to the campaign on our website

Every year, MYLaw runs a statewide high school mock trial competition regularly including more than 150 schools, even last year during the pandemic 120 schools in 21 counties participated. A case book is provided physically and digitally as the keystone of the competition where it is used from the end of October to May of 2022 and reviewed by thousands of students, families, teachers, friends and 500+ lawyers who volunteer as judges; last year’s book can be viewed here.

So any support is valuable but with a sponsorship or ad you will create goodwill with present and future members of the Maryland Bar and get your name out to this large Maryland community.

MYLaw has creatively expanded the ways to participate in the competition, with a Sponsorship, you or your company will be a part of the program in the most unique way.  Image every time the case begins, the lawyers introduce themselves to the judges as “Hello your honor, I am Emily Dickenson from the law firm of [insert your firm here].”; in addition, experts can purchase the names of the expert firms, and businesses of all sorts can put their logos on the map to be used as an exhibit in the case.  Can you think of a cooler way to support kids and generate goodwill for yourself?

Need to learn more? Visit MYLaw’s website. Thank you in advance for your consideration.