By Lisa Caplan

Exercise reduces stress, anxiety and helps you feel grounded, so just get moving. Exercise tips for busy professionals

  • With the days getting shorter and the weather turning colder, build exercise into your day by taking a walk at lunch or go  for a bike  ride.  While working remote and not having to commute we often have more flexibility in our work schedule. Think out of the box on how to fit exercise into your day.
  • Use Your Own Weight. By using your own weight in resistance training, like push-ups, you can tone up without a gym.
  • The Tabata Protocol. The tabata workout regimen simply requires you to alternate short bursts of high intensity workouts and short rest periods. It works for cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and bodyweight resistance training. The most common tabata protocol includes 20 seconds of exercise; 10 seconds of rest. Beginners complete 4 sets (2 minutes); advanced complete 8 sets (4 minutes). 
  • Walk around. The easiest way to burn calories is to stand while you work or take a break and walk around. Standing alone burns 50 calories more than just sitting. Taking  short breaks throughout the day helps disconnect. At least a 90-second break will allow you to be more present.  
  • Take  the stairs. Climb stairs instead of taking the elevator to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. 
  • Push ups can be challenging  but they are one of the best resistance training exercises that don’t require a lot of space.  If performing a push-up in a plank position  is too challenging then start on your knees, or perform incline push-ups on a bench, chair, or wall. Once you feel confident, complete as many as you can in a plank position. Aim for  5 and  add 1 more each time.  See how many you can complete. 
  • Crunches are one of the easiest workouts to do almost anywhere. Crunches are similar to sit-ups, except you only lift your shoulder blades off the ground, instead of your entire upper half. Crunches help tighten your core muscles, especially your abdomen. A strong core helps with your balance, alleviates low back pain, and helps with your posture.
  • Try Mountain Climbers. This exercise targets your  full body, but especially your arms, shoulders, quads, and core. Performed from a plank position, you’ll alternate bringing one knee to your chest, then back out again, speeding up each time until you’re “running” against the floor. While it sounds simple, mountain climbers exercise almost the entire body and raise your heart rate. You can easily add mountain climbers to your morning workout at home, while traveling, or even squeeze in a few in between meetings.The basic move is great for beginners, but more experienced exercisers can take things up a notch with variations.
  • Jumping Jacks. Jumping jacks is one exercise that everybody knows how to do. Start off with jumping jacks as a warm-up before beginning your exercise routine. 
  • Squats. Squats engage  your whole body. It is like sitting repetitively but without a chair to sit on. Again, it helps tighten your core muscles and give you more balance and mobility.  

Whatever exercise you choose, put it on your calendar to help you be more motivated to follow through.