The MSBA invites you to an all new live webinar: New Ways for Mediation:  A Visual Approach on Tuesday, March 16, 2021 from 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.  

As the saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” When it comes to mediation, the expression takes on even more meaning. A single image or graphic. A video or photograph. A moment captured with visuals. Each one of these methods can be impactful and effective in telling a story — often, far better than words can convey. 

Presented by James Gentry, Esq. of Gentry & Associates, LLC, will provide you with two starkly different approaches to mediation: one, the traditional route, which uses a mediation statement and paper exhibits. And the other, a novel approach incorporating multimedia to “tell the story” in a neutral, effective, non-adversarial and factual manner — with an emphasis on facts, by arming the mediator with facts; supporting the position with facts; and showing the facts. 

The presentation will include actual mediation videos showcasing:

  • Animated timelines
  • Document callouts
  • Clips of video depositions
  • Animations
  • Medical illustrations
  • Day-in-the-life videos 
  • And much more.  

Come join us for an entertaining and informative presentation and discover a different way of looking at mediation.

For more information and to register click HERE. Two (2) hours of CLE credit will be offered with the surrounding MCLE states and if you can’t attend the livestream program, it will be available on-demand on our MSBA CLE catalog.