Legal malpractice claims are costly and time-consuming to defend, and can result in significant damages, sanctions, and disciplinary actions. Legal malpractice insurance can help lawyers cover the costs of defense, settlement, or judgment, as well as provide them with access to experienced claims professionals and legal counsel. The insurance is a prudent and beneficial investment for lawyers in Maryland, regardless of their practice area, size, or experience.

Maryland lawyers are not required to purchase legal malpractice insurance. Many lawyers, although not required by law or ethical or professional rules of responsibility to purchase legal malpractice insurance, are required to purchase a policy as a prerequisite to representation, e.g. corporate representation, insurance defense. Most lawyers who are not required to purchase the insurance as a prerequisite for representation purchase a policy anyway. The insurance can protect lawyers from financial losses and reputational damage caused by errors, omissions, negligence, or misconduct in their practice. It can also benefit clients by ensuring that the client has a source of compensation in case their lawyer commits malpractice. 

Although Maryland attorneys are not required to purchase malpractice insurance they are strongly encouraged to do so. Even the best lawyers make mistakes; afterall lawyers are human. Sometimes disgruntled clients file unfounded claims against their lawyer. If a lawyer does not have malpractice insurance and is forced to defend themselves against a viable or an unfounded claim, it would take an extraordinary amount of time and effort, removing a lawyer from their day-to-day legal responsibilities to other clients. And you know what Honest Abe said about people representing themselves in legal actions, “The man who represents himself has a fool for a client.”