Pursuant to the provisions of 6.4 of the Constitution of the American Bar Association, the Maryland State Bar Association is entitled to be represented by a total of seven delegates in the ABA House of Delegates.  The terms of four MSBA delegates will expire at the conclusion of the ABA Annual Meeting on August 4, 2020.  Any MSBA member is eligible to apply for one of those four positions and our long-standing practice has been that the MSBA President-Elect takes one of those four seats.

The MSBA Board of Governors will elect the four delegates at its meeting to be held on May 15, 2020.  Each delegate will be elected to a two-year term.

The ABA House of Delegates has the ultimate responsibility for establishing the association’s policies for administration of the association and its positions on professional and political issues.  The House elects the ABA officers and board of governors.  MSBA delegates to the ABA House of Delegates are expected to attend each House meeting and participate in its proceedings.  The House of Delegates meets twice each year at the ABA Annual Meeting in July/August and at the ABA Mid-Year Meeting, typically held in February.

Any member of the MSBA who wishes to be considered for one of the four vacancies should submit his or her name and a brief autobiography and statement of interest.  Please address the statement of interests to Victor L. Velazquez, Executive Director, Maryland State Bar Association, and submit via email only to Theresa Michael (theresa@msba.org) by or before the new deadline of Friday, April  17, 2020.  Anyone who expresses an interest in these positions in accordance with these guidelines will be deemed nominated as a candidate.