Hello.  I’m David Shapiro and I am proud to be serving as your president of the Maryland State Bar Association.  Greetings from beautiful National Harbor in Prince George’s County – the birthplace of Kermit The Frog and home of nearly 15,000 businesses.  

I’d like to extend a warm thank you to our host, the law firm of Alexander and Cleaver for welcoming us and our membership for this month’s message.

Today, I want to highlight 

  • a new public-facing campaign, 
  • our new Lawyer Link App and 
  • updates about our search for a new Executive Director

You’ve likely seen some familiar faces in your travels across Maryland by car, Metro bus and rail as we have launched our initiative to introduce your “MSBA to the Public.”  As MSBA members know, the law powers business and communities across this great state; and our profession is full of thoughtful and dedicated experts on law and policy.  The MSBA is celebrating seven such members who have made an impact by leveraging their expertise as legal professionals.

This public-facing campaign not only helps elevate the image of the legal profession and legal professionals in Maryland, but also highlights the opportunity for greater connection through our new Lawyer Link App. 

The latest phase of Lawyer Link allows you, MSBA members, to connect with the public, directly, and enhance relationships and referral opportunities with your peers based on practice specialty.  Lawyer Link is available for download now from your favorite app store.  

Finally, we recently announced that our Executive Director, Victor Velazquez, will be leaving the MSBA at the end of October to pursue a new opportunity as the head of strategy for a large multinational company in the private sector.  I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Vic for his leadership, guidance, and friendship to the MSBA over the past five years.  The MSBA is in a better position today because of Vic’s service to this association. I have formed a Special Committee under the leadership of four MSBA Past Presidents to evaluate the process and qualified applicants to fill this position.  In the interim, the MSBA is in the very capable hands of an exceptional staff, headed by MSBA Chief Operating Officer, Anna Sholl, who has been the managing force of many of the MSBA’s initiatives over the past four years.  At my request, and on the recommendation of your Executive Committee, Anna has agreed to serve as MSBA Acting Executive Director upon Vic’s departure.  Rest assured that conversations, planning, and the search process are underway and updates will be provided in the coming weeks. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at President@MSBA.org 

This Fall, the MSBA is sharing your stories with the public, working hard to help you connect with the public, who needs your help, and with your colleagues across the state, and in choosing a leader who will help to continue our evolution and to define the direction of our association into the future.

Stay tuned for information regarding exciting upcoming events which we hope will allow you to get engaged and be a part of MSBA.

I look forward to seeing you at our next event.