Become more comfortable with uncertainty.  Being comfortable with not knowing can help to reduce your anxiety. To become more comfortable with uncertainty practice gradually facing uncertainty in your daily life by reducing certainty-seeking behaviors. For example, resist the urge to seek out an answer to a question by emailing someone or go for a walk without checking the weather. By incorporating this new behavior into your daily life you will have more tolerance with changes that occur.

For more tips on wellness check out the Wellness Portal

You are  not alone. The LAP Files | Maryland State Bar Association – MSBA

The Lawyer Assistance Program(LAP) has Assisted Thousands of Maryland Lawyers

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LAP  provides free, confidential assistance to all Maryland lawyers, judges, law school students, and support staff by offering assessment, referral, short-term counseling, and continued support to ensure long term success.  If you are concerned about another lawyer you can make an anonymous  referral to LAP. We offer financial assistance for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment.

Please also feel free to reach out to our LAP Committee Members and Volunteers