Legal professions are under constant stress, and the demanding nature of legal work, coupled with high expectations and long hours, can take a toll on mental health and wellbeing. Yet, despite the fact that many legal professionals face mental health challenges, they fear they will be judged for admitting they need help. According to statistics, a staggering 80% of legal professionals are hesitant to seek support for fear of being stigmatized or exposed.

Recognizing the urgent need for accessible mental health resources, MSBA’s Lawyer Assistance Program (LAP) has taken a proactive step by partnering with ScreenNOW, a platform that provides online mental health screening and confidential assistance to legal professionals, as a free benefit for MSBA members. 

ScreenNOW: A Confidential Online Mental Health Screening Tool for MSBA Members

ScreenNOW offers members the convenience of quick and anonymous self-assessment for various mental health conditions and work-life stressors. With just a few clicks, MSBA members can gain insights into their mental wellbeing and identify potential challenges.

Based on screening results, participants are directed to customized resources tailored to their specific needs. Whether it’s accessing self-help tools, virtual resources, or receiving therapy recommendations, ScreenNOW provides MSBA members with targeted support aligned with their mental health goals.

ScreenNOW is committed to total anonymity as well, meaning members can rest assured that the information they input is confidential, alleviating any concerns about judgment.

ScreenNOW is Available as Free Benefit to MSBA Members. 

Protecting your mental health is not a luxury, it is a necessity. LAP’s partnership with ScreenNOW provides MSBA members with access to a powerful tool for assessing their mental wellbeing and accessing personalized support resources. With ScreenNOW, legal professionals can take proactive steps towards prioritizing their mental health and thriving in both their personal and professional lives.

For confidential assistance, MSBA members can call 888-388-5459 or visit the ScreenNOW platform to begin their journey towards better mental health.