The MSBA’s Solo & Small Firm Practice Section is launching a mentorship program to assist young lawyers or experienced lawyers that are launching their own firms.   The goals of the program are:

  • To foster the development of young attorneys’ practical skills and increase their knowledge of legal customs;
  • To create a sense of pride and integrity in the legal profession;
  • To promote collegial relationships among legal professionals and involvement in the organized bar;
  • To improve legal ability and professional judgment; and
  • To encourage the use of best practices and highest ideals in the practice of law.

The Section is accepting applications from those interested in serving as mentors.  Generally, mentors should be admitted to practice in Maryland, not be the subject of disciplinary actions, and have a minimum of nine (9) years of experience as a practicing attorney.  Attorneys from various practice areas and geographic regions around the state are encouraged to apply.

Mentors are expected to meet with assigned mentees at least three (3) times throughout the year, either in-person or virtually.  In addition, mentors are expected to cover the following topics with their assigned mentees:

  • Introduction to the Legal Community
    • Example activities include:  visiting a local courthouse, and discussing “unwritten” rules of etiquette among attorneys.
  • Personal and Professional Development and Ethics
    • Example discussion topics include:  common malpractice or attorney grievance issues, techniques for finding work-life balance, benefits of malpractice insurance, potential resources for addressing ethical issues, and continuing legal education.
  • Law Office Management
    • Example discussion topics include:  client screening, retainer agreements and scope of representation, time management, and handling difficult clients.

If you are interested in serving as a mentor, please click here to submit your application.  Applications are due no later than March 31, 2021.

Mentee applications will be accepted beginning in April 2021.  Selected mentors and mentees will be matched in Summer 2021 with a kick-off event for Mentors & Mentees scheduled in September 2021.