This year’s State and Local Government Fall Institute will address some immediate and big issues facing state and local attorneys. We’ll have a presentation on the upcoming Supreme Court term, a review by three key appellate judges on the search for legislative intent in interpreting statutes, and a discussion of when a regulation goes too far, is considered a constitutional “taking,” and thus requires compensation. We’ll also have a presentation on new transportation options, including ebikes and escooters, which are already in most urban areas and becoming more of a day to day option for many. We’ll hear how Baltimore City has put in regulations to handle vendors and users. It will be a full day of learning and discussion, and we encourage all state and local government practitioners to attend!

Register today at:

The schedule for the event is as follows:

8:30-8:55 – Registration, coffee

8:55 – Welcome byFrank M. Johnson, Deputy City Attorney; Section Chair; Robert Drummer, Senior Legislative Attorney, Montgomery County Council, Program Chair and Emcee

9:00 – Disruptive Transportation Technologies  featuring Victor K. Tervala, Chief Solicitor, City of Baltimore Negheen Sanjar, Director of Legal Research, International Municipal Lawyers Association, Inc.

10:00 – Break

10:15 – The Supreme Court October 2019 Term: What’s on the Docket and what to expect featuring Amanda Kellar, Director of Legal Advocacy International Municipal Lawyer’s Association, Inc.

11:00 – The search for intent in legislation – Hon. Joseph Getty; Maryland Court of Appeals, Hon. Robert N. McDonald; Maryland Court of Appeals, Hon Robert Zarnoch, Maryland Court of Special Appeals (Senior Judge)

12:00 – Lunch

1:00 – The Takings Conundrum after Knick – When a regulation goes too far it’s a “taking” (Mahon) and when its gone too far, compensation must be paid immediately (Knick) featuring Hon. Andre Davis, City Solicitor, City of Baltimore, Paul J. Cucuzzella, Counsel, Maryland Department of Planning, Devala Janardan, Senior Counsel, National Association of Home Builders

2:30 – Break

2:45- Maryland’s LEOBR; Striking A Balance Between Effective Policing & Effective Police Accountability In An Era of Social Awareness and Change featuring Christopher Hinrichs, Assistant Attorney General, Maryland

3:45 – Cracker Barrel discussion of topics of interest to attendees and wrap-up.

4:30 – Conclusion

*Speakers are subject to change based on availability.