Effective March 23, 2020, anyone seeking entrance into a State-operated facility, including all District Court buildings, must be asked initial screening questions, per the new protocols: Statewide Courthouse Access Screenings for All State Operated Facilities and Buildings.

For infection control purposes, you will be asked the following questions:

Have you had any of the following symptoms in the last seven (7) days: fever or chills, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath or any other flu-like symptoms?
In the past week, do you know if you have been in close (less than 6 feet), prolonged contact (more than 2-3 minutes) with someone with fever, cough, shortness of breath, flu-like symptoms, or a diagnosis of COVID-19?

We ask that you maintain a distance of six (6) feet from the screener during this process.

If you answer YES to any question on the Initial Screening Questionnaire OR refuse to participate in the screening process, you will be refused entrance and provided with a contact number so that you may be assisted.

Thank you for your help in reducing the spread of this virus during this public health emergency.

The Initial Screening Questionnaire script must be followed. The Questionnaire should NOT be handed to individuals to complete. The questions must be asked and the screener must attempt to maintain a distance of 6 feet while asking the questions.

Access to State Office Buildings
• Entry screening staff MUST be present at all entrances.
• Access will be controlled.
• Prior to entry all individuals (staff, visitors, vendors, contractors, etc.) must be ASKED the Initial Screening Questionnaire by entry screening staff.
• Individuals who answer YES to any question on the Initial Screening Questionnaire OR refuse to participate in the screening process must be denied access to the facility.
• Refusal by an employee to answer screening questions may result in the employee being placed on unauthorized leave without pay and may result in the imposition of disciplinary action.

Congregate Care Facilities
• Entry screening staff MUST be present at all entrances.
• Access will be restricted to employees only.
• Limited access will be allowed for essential delivery services
• Prior to entry all individuals must be ASKED the Initial Screening Questionnaire AND a temperature check MUST be conducted.
• Individuals who answer YES to any question on the Initial Screening Questionnaire OR have a temperature of 100.4° For higher OR refuse to participate in the screening process must be denied access to the facility.
• Refusal by an employee to submit to a temperature check or answer screening questions may result in the employee being placed on unauthorized leave without pay and may result in the imposition of disciplinary action.