The MSBA Criminal Law Section invites you to a live webinar: The Intersection of Family and Criminal Law – Protection Orders and Other Related Issues on Wednesday April 14, 2021 from 1 – 3:00 p.m. 

Co-sponsored with the Maryland Association of Justice, this comprehensive program will focus on what lawyers need to know when preparing to bring or defend a family law client’s related criminal and/or Protective Order case. This includes when your client is the Defendant and/or the victim as well as Petitioner and/or Respondent. Learn from experienced faculty, Jana Ponczak, Esq., Nancy Forster, Esq. and Tara LeCompte, Esq., on how to work as a team with the criminal defense bar to represent your family law clients with criminal law issues. This program is designed for both the new lawyer and the most experienced attorney.


2 (two) hours of CLE credit will be offered to the surrounding MCLE states.

For more information and to register click HERE

Two (2) hours of CLE credit will be offered with the surrounding MCLE states and if you can’t attend the live program, it will be available on-demand on our MSBA CLE catalog.