LawPay’s Claude Ducloux, will lead a discussion on legal ethics and the disciplinary rules. Here’s what you will cover in this one hour presentation:

  • What goes into a trust account; and what comes out and how to do that.
  • The big 5 trust account misunderstandings;  fiduciary duty to preserve and safeguard client funds;
  • What some states consider Qualified v. Non-qualified funds.
  • Handling disputes, third party claims, and resolution strategies over contested trust funds that will keep you safe.

You also need to know what Maryland requires you to do with “flat fee:”  do they go into trust or not?

We’ll talk forms, pleadings, disputes best practices to stay ethical.

One hour of ethics credit will be offered for the surrounding MCLE states.

For more information and to register click HERE.

Claude E. Ducloux is an Attorney licensed in Texas, Colorado and California who speaks regularly on Legal Ethics, Law Office Management, and Trial-Related topics. 

One hour of ethics credit will be offered for the surrounding MCLE states.