Your MSBA membership helps support education and training for legal professionals to engage in public interest work. Join PBRC in an upcoming pro bono training or lecture:

Impact Speaker Series: Tax Sale Foreclosure Prevention 

March 22 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm 

Over the past six years, the Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland Home Preservation Project, in partnership with Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service, has assisted more than 650 Baltimore City and Prince George’s County homeowners at risk of losing their homes to tax sale. For homeowners, ending up on the tax sale list is usually the result of the inability to pay one’s property taxes.

Through the advocacy of volunteer attorneys, many of these clients can access programs and credits that reduce their property tax burden allowing them to stay in their homes.  However, most Maryland homeowners are unrepresented. Join us as we discuss the current state of tax sale in the midst of the pandemic and how to volunteer with our clinic.

Advocates and community members are welcome to join the discussion.

Litigation Skills Series: Basics of Taking and Defending a Deposition 

April 16 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm 


  • Depositions within the broader scope of discovery and the timeline of the case;

  • Deciding whom to depose;

  • Preparing your witness to be deposed;

  • Mechanics of depositions: notification, scheduling, and execution;

  • Openings at depositions;

  • Handling exhibits at depositions;

  • Tips for deposing a witness or defending a deposition;

  • Later use of the deposition record;

  • Testimony at a deposition vs. testimony at trial.

This training will include a break-out session for practice, and an open Q/A time.

COVID Liability Concerns for Nonprofit Employers in Maryland 

April 30 @ 12:00 pm – 2:30 pm 

The initial presentation will include an open Q/A session for nonprofit employers. After the initial presentation, nonprofit attendees will leave, and the trainers will facilitate a follow-up discussion and Q/A from the volunteer lawyers. Volunteer lawyers must commit to providing brief advice to a nonprofit client of Community Law Center (CLC) within one year from this registration.

Topics will include questions like these:

  • Can employers require employees to get tested or vaccinated before returning to the work site?

  • What physical resources and allowances should employers provide to on-site or remote employees, and to in-person customers?

  • What changes to policy or employee handbooks should an employer make regarding COVID?

  • What should an employer do if an employee/volunteer/member of the public believes they caught COVID at the work site?

  • How can, should, or must an employer accommodate employees who are at high risk, or who are sick?

  • Which laws cover which employers?