On Saturday, January 4, 2020, the MSBA Wills For Heroes Program was hosted by the Baltimore County Firefighters Union in Cockeysville, where twelve attorneys drafted and provided a Will, Power of Attorney and Advance Medical Directives for first responders (and their spouse). Many thanks to the MSBA Young Lawyers Section for their continuing support of this important, statewide program. To volunteer for future programs, email Program Chair Zak Shirley.

Back row: Program Chair Zak Shirley, Veichung Liang, Student Intern Josh Snyder, Program Chair-Elect Bruce Villard, William Kiniry, Nicki Green Johnson, Kelly McCrea, Kaitlan Skrainer, Bryan Saxton

Front row: Donna McElroy, Jane Sopher, Edward Simon, Elizabeth Thompson

Not pictured, but also in attendance: Doris Barnes, MSBA Section & Committee Advisor