Join the MSBA for the newest livestream presentation of Workers’ Compensation Evening Series beginning 1/27, 2/3, 2/10, 2/17, 2/24, 3/3 from 6-8 p.m.!

This six-week comprehensive course will present the fundamental and practical concepts of workers’ compensation.  Substantive and procedural aspects of the Workers’ Compensation statute, hearings and appeals will be thoroughly discussed.  Our outstanding faculty will address strategic considerations and the mechanics of Workers’ Compensation practice from both the claimant and defense perspectives.  Topics to be covered include: Maryland Workers’ Compensation Act; Occupational Diseases; Subsequent Injury Fund; Vocational Rehabilitation; Workers’ Compensation Commission Practice; Third Party Practice; and Appellate Practice and Procedures.  

The course book will be the publication “Workers’ Compensation Manual, 20th Edition“, scheduled to publish in December. Receive a 10% discount on the publication when you register for the livestream Series.  

For more information and to register click HERE


Twelve hours of CLE credit will be offered by the surrounding MCLE states and if you can’t attend the livestream program, it will be available on-demand on our MSBA CLE catalog