This year, Myriem Seabron took great pride in becoming “a true Polar Bear Plunger, actually taking the dip, personally helping to raise over $600 for the Special Olympians of Maryland, and making sure to collect a high-five from a State Police diver for good measure.” Myriem was one of several dozen members of the MSBA’s Young Lawyers Section and Public Awareness Committee (which she chairs) who helped to collectively raise over $10,000 for the 2018 Plunge, which took place January 27 at Sandy Point State Park. She also counts attending the investitures of the Hon. Mary Margaret Kent (Worcester County) and Hon. Elizabeth S. Morris (Anne Arundel County) among the year’s highlights.

“In 2019, I’m looking forward to new professional challenges, expanding my areas of practice, and spending a couple of summer weeks in Morocco,” says Myriem. In the meantime, she is grateful for the opportunity to spend meaningful time with her family this holiday season.

To join or support Team MSBA in the 2019 MSP Polar Bear Plunge, or for more information, visit

[PICTURED: Myriem Seabron and other Public Awareness Committee volunteers give dozens of kindergarteners a crash course in civics with MSBA’s Law Day 2018 program on May 4 at the Port Discovery Children’s Museum in Baltimore.] #iamthemsba #marylandlawyers

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