Maryland Employment Law Deskbook, 2021 Revised Edition (Hardcopy)


The MSBA’s 2021 Employment Law Deskbook offers every attorney immediate access to information necessary to provide effective guidance to employers for fulfilling their legal obligations to employees, and to employees seeking redress if their employer fails to do so.  Attorneys in virtually every practice area encounter employment law issues. Labor and employment law specialists, business law generalists, and litigators are all called upon to advise clients on the rights and responsibilities inherent in every aspect of the employment relationship.

Every chapter has been updated to reflect statutory changes and common law developments since 2016.  The practitioner’s guide to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), for example, has been revised to include a section dedicated to the FMLA in the wake of COVID-19.  The chapter addressing issues affecting gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender employees contains a discussion of the Supreme Court’s 2020 decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, which extends Title VII protections to LGBTQ employees.  A section has been added to the discussion of Maryland Leave Laws to address the operation and impact of the Maryland Healthy Working Families Acts that went into effect in 2018.  An entirely new chapter is devoted to the Employment Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).

Editor:  Mary T. Keating

Authors:  Alan  Banov, Judith Bresler,  Taren N. Butcher, Joseph M. Creed, Thomas Dolina, Charles H. Fleischer, Chad E. Harris, John Alvin Henderson, Norma Briscoe Hoffpauir, Jay P. Holland, Susan Jameson, Sarah Mann Kogelschatz,  Scott E. Kraff, Edward James Leyden, Jordan S. Liew, Jaime Walker Luse, Darryl G. McCallum, Kevin McCormick, Richard P. Neuworth, R. Scott Oswald, Lynn Perry Parker, David G. Ross, Kenneth Sigman, John M. Singleton, Joyce Smithey, Jennifer Stair, Rebecca N. Strandberg, Diane Seltzer Torre, Eric A. Welter, Andrew Witko

The MSBA Maryland Employment Law Deskbook has proven to be a valuable addition to the MSBA’s catalog of publications.  This publication is carefully written to offer compelling, practical, cost-effective advice in representing plaintiffs and defendants in federal and state causes of action, including claims alleged under the National Labor Relations Act, Federal Fair Labor Standards Act, and the Maryland Labor & Employment Code. In depth analysis of governing statutes, regulations and interpretive case law is accompanied by drafting checklists and dozens of forms and other practice tools.  The authors provide practical tips to avoid controversy, and offer an array of context specific forms for use in litigation when conflict becomes inevitable.  The 2021 Employment Law Deskbook is a comprehensive work that will once again prove to be an essential resource for effective representation of employers and employees, useful to novice and experienced employment law practitioners alike.

Click to view detailed Table of Contents.

Summary of Contents:

Chapter 1:  Checklist
Chapter 2:  The At-Will Employment Relationship
Chapter 3:  Employment Torts
Chapter 4:  Race/Color and National Origin Discrimination
Chapter 5:  Disability Discrimination
Chapter 6:  Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Pregnancy Discrimination
Chapter 7:  Age Discrimination
Chapter 8:  Genetic Discrimination
Chapter 9:  State and Local Fair Employment Practice
Chapter 10:  Equal Pay for Equal Work
Chapter 11:  The Family and Medical Leave Act: A Practitioner’s Guide
Chapter 12:  Maryland Leave Laws
Chapter 13:  The Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law
Chapter 14:  The Maryland Wage and Hour Law and the Fair Labor Standards Act
Chapter 15:  42 U.S.C. § 1983 and Constitutional Law Issues
Chapter 16:  Constitutional Issues for State and Local Public Employees
Chapter 17:  Employment Rights of Federal Employees
Chapter 18:  Public School Employment Law Issues
Chapter 19:  Understanding the National Labor Relations Board
Chapter 20:  Occupational Safety and Health Administration and Maryland Occupational Safety and Health Act
Chapter 21:  U.S. Immigration: A Primer for Employment Law Practitioners
Chapter 22:  Comparing Select Federal and Maryland Procedural Standards
Chapter 23:  Tax Aspects of Employment Controversy Settlements
Chapter 24:  Special Evidentiary Issues in Employment Law Cases
Chapter 25:  Attorneys’ Fees
Chapter 26:  Whistleblower Law
Chapter 27:  Issues Affecting Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Employees
Chapter 28:  Religious Discrimination
Chapter 29:  ERISA

This publication is available in electronic form. To purchase it in electronic form please click here MSBA Maryland Employment Law Deskbook, 2021 Revised Edition (Electronic Publication)

Format:  Hardcopy
Pub Date:  2021
Pages:  1106

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Maryland Employment Law Deskbook, 2021 Revised Edition (Hardcopy)